2.5-3.5 years
Our Butterflies range in age from 2.5 to 3.5 years old.
We continue with all the things we do with our Teddy Bear class, as well as adding more structure and complexity.
We continue to provide a safe environment, and an emotionally secure base for active playful exploration and experimentation. We will create responsive, secure relationships in order to foster growth and development. We value relationships with parents, working to create trusting partnerships with our families. We will provide activities to foster social emotional, language, cognitive, perceptual and motor development skills. We provide support to promote independence, self regulation and confidence. Our activities are all developmentally appropriate and provide opportunities for experimentation, exploration, curiosity and discovery.
Activities in our butterfly class will focus on introducing children to all kinds of learning! We will learn math skills by sorting, classifying, counting, patterning, measuring, comparing and focusing on the properties of shapes.
We will discover our science skills through exploration and experimentation in our environment, and with items brought into the classroom.
We will work on collaboration by sharing ideas and making plans.
We will grow our fine motor skills by using paintbrushes, tweezers, manipulatives and playdough. Our large motor skills will be developed through music, movement and outdoor play.
Our social emotional skills will be supported through meaningful conversations, caring responses, meaningful relationships and participation in dramatic play.
Our language and literacy will be enhanced through reading engaging books, taking part in story dictation and being surrounded by a text rich environment. Children will be encouraged to use their words, and supported by teachers in conversation.